mercoledì 30 novembre 2011

My Photo- Alexa

I took this photo this weekend in Paris on the way to the Pere Lachaise Cemetery. I love the colors and how unique this fountain is, I've never seen anything like it before. I love how old it must be and the wear and tear it's gone through over the years.

My photo - LEE

I took this picture in Via Goffredi Mameli which is in the region of Trastevere.  I was walking and found a bird drinking water.  I set my camera to take picture automatically and tried to take photo, and then suddenly the bird flied off.  In that moment, I was so surprised so you can see the photo is blurred because this was taken in hurry, by surprised person. Maybe the camera was also surprised.

Personal Photo - Joe

My photos- Kirila

I like the combination of these two photos which I took while walking next to the Tiber. The warm colors of each photo fuse with each other, in turn contrasted with the tones of green and blue. The objects in the foreground arranged in a linear manner, suggest a certain direction and provide a quite narrow perspective.The details in the background add to the complexity of the pictures, still exhibiting the primary focus on the foreground elements. 

martedì 29 novembre 2011

Stephen Shore-sarahlynn

I decided to post a blog about Stephen Shore, since he was a photographer on our list that had not been blogged about. Stephen has been compared to William Eggleston and was influenced by photorealism. I also found a connection to Ugo Mulas, who has been the photographer I have blogged about the most. In the following picture, Stephen presents Andy Warhol in a very contemplative nature. Warhol is perhaps at his factory completing a new work, and his personality can be seen throughout this photograph, which is also a characteristic of Ugo Mulas' interpretations of artists through photography.

mercoledì 23 novembre 2011

My Photo- Alexa

I took this photo in Amsterdam. I love how bright the pink is and how abstract the photo is. The whole city is full of bikes, and finding the nicest one to photograph isn't difficult at all. I like how bold this picture is and how it stands out among all of my other ones. 

My Photo - KO

I took this photo in Venice. I really like the colors of the picture. I like how reflective and calm the water is. I really liked how the boats looked tied up to the building and covered and how it gives the over all feeling that it is early morning before the city has woken up.

Eugene Smith - Pita

Eugene Smith helped establish the photo story and the power of black & white printing. I particularly like this photograph because it is taken from behind the artist and you get a different perspective. I also like that all you can see is a silhouette because the photograph is monochrome. 

William Eggleston - KO

I really liked this photo by William Eggleston. His photos range so much in their color, contrast and exposure, which I really like about his photography. This photo is a darker photo from what I have seen so far. I like the red jacket on the child against the green of the grass and dark blue-gray of the sky. I like how the child is standing straight with their arms by their side like the telephone posts and sign posts in the background. I also like the angled lines that come from the telephone wires and the shadow from the child and the posts.

My photo-sarahlynn

I took this picture at the Christmas Markets in Vienna. I collect snow globes and really enjoyed the contrast of the purple velvet display.

James Nachtwey 3- Kirila

For me, the strength of photography lies in its ability to evoke humanity. If war is an attempt to negate humanity, then photography can be perceived as the opposite of war.
India, 1993 - Untouchables working in a brick factory

West Bank, 2000 - Palestinians fighting the Israeli army

martedì 22 novembre 2011

Diane Arbus- Alexandra

U.S. photographer, Diane Arbus, was born in the early 20s. She is noted primarily for her black and white photography. While she is not my favorite photographer, her images are rather interesting and very controversial. She is best known for her disturbing images of people, especially the poor or unusual, on city streets.

Roma Skyline- Alexandra

I took this photo in Villa Borghese and converted it to black and white. I know that the image is both under and over exposed; however, I thought there was a very interesting contrast in the image and I liked how apparent the skyline was in the photo.

Dublin, Ireland- Alexandra

I took this photo at the Guinness Factory in Dublin Ireland. I like the reflection of the photo and the simplicity of the image.

Villa Borghese- Alexandra

I took this photo at the museum in Villa Borghese.  I thought that it was a beautiful statue and that the picture was very serene.

William Eggleston- Alexandra

William Eggleston is a renowned American photographer, born in the late 1930s.His early work was inspired by Swiss photographer Robert Frank and French photographer Henri- Cartier Bresson. In the mid sixties Eggleston began to experiment with color photography. Eggleston’s colored work was featured in the MOMA . His exhibit was a defining moment in his career as it was noted as "the acceptance of color photography by the highest validating institution" (Mark Holborn). By the end of the decade Eggleston had started creating primarily color photographs. The photo below is one of my favorites by William Eggleston:

William Eggleston, Untitled, Paris series, 2006­2008.

Egyptian Statues- Alexandra

I took these two pictures on the way to Villa Borghese. I like these photos because of very apparent lines in the 1st photo and also the lighting that was captured on the two sculptures.

mercoledì 16 novembre 2011

Amsterdam!- Alexa

Two weekends ago I spent a couple of nights in Amsterdam, and it was the most beautiful place i've been to so far. I loved everything about it, and we had such perfect weather that was an added bonus :]

Although it's not as clear as I would have liked, I still love this picture so much because of the birds. Both times we went to visit the "Iamsterdam" sign, there were birds everywhere!!! I love them, and they made for a great photo. I'll always look back on these pictures and remember how blessed I am to have been able to travel the world. 

I love all of the leaves and the fall colors. I also love how the trees reflect on the water.

These don't need much explanation. Everything about this city is gorgeous and the canals make it so much better! Early in the day or at night, the reflections of everything on the water is always magnificent. Plus, there's always swans in the water and it's a literal fairytale.

Personal Photo - Joe

Robert Frank - Joe

I like this photo because of the balance between the dark and the light parts. The contrast is also very good because you can see small details throughout the photo (like the bolts on the bus).

Robert Frank was really good at capturing moments. Every photo of his is of a rememberable moment. This one especially caught my eye. Frank was able to capture the emotion in the girl even within the chaos of the storm.

Churches- Alexa

Lately, Churches have been my thing. Every time I walk by a Church with open doors, I have to go inside, and every time I am blown away. This past week i've been to about five or six and they each have their own personal charm to them, all quite similar but at the same time unique in their own way. I'm having a hard time choosing which pictures I want to post, so I'll just put up all of my favorites.

I took this in the Campidoglio, the church was called Santa Maria in Araceli.
I also have a thing for chandeliers, and this one was so gorgeous. This is taken in the same church as above, and what I loved so much was these chandeliers lined the entire altar. There has to be 20 or so of them hanging above the altar, and it's beautiful. 

This was taken at Basilica Di San Pietro in Vincoli, which is near the Colosseum. This is a photos of the exact chains that Saint Peter was brought to prison in. They are on display at this church, and what blows my mind is how anybody could walk by that church and not know what lies inside. My friend and I were blown away when we saw these.

I took this picture in a church which name I unfortunately don't remember. After a while they all start to blend together. But I love how not one flame isn't perfectly upright. It was as if there wasn't any wind for that one second when I took the shot. 

My photo in class - LEE

 They were really different from us who had just picked up by the professor for his taste.  I was impressed of them.

Personal Photo - Joe

This photo was taken last weekend at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. I took it with a 1.4 f/stop and a slower shutter speed.

My Photo - Pita

I took this photo this past weekend in Venice. We were lucky because it was a beautiful day in Venice and there weren't any clouds in the sky. This was taken in Piazza San Marco and I loved the way the building looked in the reflection (possibly more than the building itself!)

Ugo Mulas - Pita

2 weeks ago I went to Paris and while I was there I visited the Centre Pompidou, which is known for its Modern Art. As I was walking around, I came across this photograph by Ugo Mulas of a pair of hands. I thought it was interesting that I was able to recognize the artist (something that I would not have been able to do a few months ago) and the fact that the subject matter was the same as the theme of my photo book. 

Last class photos- Kirila

Here are few of my favourite photos from last class. I really liked the play with the light and the capturing of the woman's different postures.

Photos from Last Class - KO

These are two of the photos I took last week that I really liked. I like the softness of the light in the first photo and the intensity of the models eyes in the second. It was a fun experience.

martedì 15 novembre 2011

Class Photoshoot-sarahlynn

Here are a few of the pictures I took last week during class. I liked having an outside person being a model because they had no reservations and that in turn produced sharp emotions.

mercoledì 9 novembre 2011

Frank Stella- Alexa

Frank Stella was influenced by Ugo Mulas. He is an American painter and printmaker from the 1960s and 70s. He was born in 1936 and his name is significant within art movements of minimalism and post-painterly abstraction. Ugo Mulas took a photo of Frank while he was in the midst of painting, and I really like how even though Frank liked using big and bright colors, Ugo still photographed him in black and white.

One of Franks work of art

Frank Stella taken by Ugo Mulas in 1964

My photo - LEE

Usually I don't like to take photo in black and white because if I take a photo in color, then I can change the photo into black and white but I cannot change black and white to a color photo.  But I took this photo in black and white at the time I take the photo because I suddenly realized that this figure would be nicer in black and white and that was my first time

Personal Photo - Joe

I took this photo in Madrid, Spain. Shooting at night is my favorite because of the colors in the sky. This was taken with a low f/stop and a medium ISO and shutter speed.

Paul - LEE

 I failed to send you the photos.  If you have USB then you can get all the photos from my computer here!! I like this photo though the model is a male lol