giovedì 29 settembre 2011

Ugo Mulas-sarahlynn

Although Ugo Mulas’ first love was drawing, his journey into photography is quite an interesting story. After spending a lot of time in the cafe giamaica, someone let him borrow a camera and the unique transaction spurred Mulas’ self-taught photography skills. Even though his first commission in 1954 was for a Venice Biennale photgraphic documentary, his true interest lied in the lives and works of artists. Mulas is related to two other artists on our list: Lee Friedlander and Robert Frank. Many of their photographs are similar because Mulas was influenced by these two photographers. Mulas was also influenced by a lot of American pop artists after his trip to New York from 1964-1967. Particular of interest to him was Marcel Duchamp, who allowed Mulas to explore the language behind his art, therefore, I chose a picture of Marcel Duchamp. Although Marcel’s facial expression is hard to figure out in the photo, the setting and background give insight into how Marcel evaluates art. In particular, I was struck by the way Marcel’s seems to stare directly at the observer, which could suggest that Marcel is evaluating you and not the art.

mercoledì 28 settembre 2011


my own photograph - Artistic (Daantje)

RAW - Technical (Daantje)

RAW is an option on your camera, which allows you to take much more detailed photographs. This is because it captures much more variation in light and colour, since it allows the sensor to capture much more data, hence the size of the file. Often when working with camera"s without Nikon or Canon technology, you will find yourself unable to open them in Photoshop bridge, thus one needs to install the given software accompanying the camera upon purchasing. A pentax for instance operates on a .PEF file, which is not recognized without the software in most well established editing software.

Robert Adams - Historical (daantje)

Robert Adams was an iconic photographer in the mid 70ties, he is mostly known for capturing landscapes and shots of where people live. Especially, in the Urban regions and the more Western parts to create a contrast. I choose this photograph of him, simply because I adore the composition, simplicity and the lovely contrast between the black smoke and light landscape.

Robert Frank - Pita

Robert Frank, born in Switzerland, is an important figure in American photography because of his skeptical outsider's view of American society. I like this photograph taken in particular because the face of the subject is hidden by the instrument he is playing, which leaves you wondering what the ban behind the trombone actually looks like. 

My RAW Photo - Pita

This is a photo I took with the RAW setting.  I really like how clearly the reflection of the jar is captured on the countertop.


Robert Mappelthorpe

Robert Adams

Stephen Shore

James Nachtwey

Henry Carier Bresson

Robert Frank

Ugo Mulas

Lee Friedlander

William Eggleston

Diane Arbus
Bernd & Hilla Becker

Cindy Sherman

ISO (Technical) RS

ISO references the sensitivity of the image sensor to the amount of light present at any given time. As you increase ISO, the more sensitive the image sensor is to light, allowing for photos to be taken in situations with a lack of light.

My photo- Kirila

This is a photo I took one morning on my way to JCU. The buildings are located at piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere and I like the contrast between the blue sky and the warm facades of the buildings. In addition, the light is projected from right to left, with the building on the left being the brightest object in the photo. Also, the actual position of the buildings creates a dynamic composition of vertical and horizontal lines, which interrupt each other, but still construct a compact whole. 

Ponte Sisto taken by me - LEE

This photo is taken by me at 'Ponte Sisto'. It was night so the camera was set ISO1600, F5.6, S1/8.
I like this bridge and of course this picture. Especially in the night, the bridge becomes so romantic.

photographer Sanyakhomenko - LEE

 Again my favorite photographer Sanyakhomenko. This photo a couple and trees. They all are standing and have same shadow, so the couple looks very similar to the trees behind. I think they will stand there for a long time and they will love for really long time just like trees are standing there for hundreds tears.

martedì 27 settembre 2011

My photo - KO

I took this photo in Trastevere with my 50mm lens. ISO was 400 with an f/2.2 and a shutter speed of 1/60sec. I like the tone of the colors and the contrast of the blue shutters against the gray stone. I also made a black and white copy of this photo, which I like as well.

Raw (technical) - KO

The upper photo is saved as a raw file. The colors are dim and doesn't seem to be much different than what a .jpeg photo would look like. However, the difference is in post-processing. The below photo is the post-processed raw photo. Having saved the photo as a raw file, one has access to many more post-processing options and is able to then produce a much better photo.


Raw, Jpeg, Tiff
While the Raw feature usually offers a lossless compression, JPEG compresses the images. Because of this, RAW allows for more precise correction and produces file sizes much smaller than the TIFF formats of full-size processed images from the same cameras. Even though TIFF is not widely supported by web browsers, Tiff remains widely accepted as a photograph file standard in the printing business.


Taken on the Ponte Vittorio Emanuele II, I enjoyed the relation of the statue to St. Peters to the right. Also, the sky seems to change in its brightness throughout the picture. Because the Angel stands in the bluest area, the focus on heaven is evident in the picture.

mercoledì 21 settembre 2011

Pieta- Alexa

This is a photo of the Pieta done by Michelangelo housed in the Basilica in Vatican City. This sculpture was done in 1499 and depicts the touching moment where Mary is holding Jesus. This is one of Michelangelos first sculptures. I love the lighting in this photo, and I love how beautiful and clear it is, although seeing it in person is unlike any photo can capture. 

Climbing the top of the Dome - Alexa

This is a picture of my friends and I climbing the top of the Dome in St. Peter Basilica. The stairs were so narrow and small they provide a rope to hold onto while climbing. I love the way the photo is taken from above and you can see first hand how difficult it was to climb!

Photoshop Tutorial - Alexa

This is taken outside of The Vatican. In the middle of the afternoon, the lighting was incredible. By holding down Control M in the Photoshop program and selecting auto, I was able to create a much more realistic and beautiful photo.

My Picture-sarahlynn

Taken at 18mm, this wide angle shot was taken outside the baths of pompeii. The picture also displays the diagonal angles of the building and the contrast between the rugged wall with the smooth brick that displays the number.

Photoshop tutorial- Cropping (Kirila)

This is a photo I took in class. In order to crop the photograph, we can use the command Control + S or just choose the command on the left side of the screen as shown on the following screen shot.

However, the cropped version of the photo looks like this:

Levels - Photo 3 - KO

Here I simply typed in my own random numbers to the left and middle box underneath the diagram and it produced a not so appealing or properly exposed photo.

Levels - Photo 2 - KO

In this photo, I simply used the preset "Increase Contrast 1" and you can see the numbers in the 3 boxes under the diagram changed.

Levels - Photo 1 - KO

When editing photos in photoshop, there are many keyboard shortcuts that you can use to speed up the time spent on post processing. Levels is one of them. This photo shown is right from the camera with its current levels. In order to get the Levels window you press "command+L.

Artistic - Pita

This picture was taken my Rene Burri.  I think that all of the vertical lines in this picture provide an interesting perspective.  Also, the whole picture is dark with the exception of the street on the left, and the top on of the building on the right. I think this goes to show that the artist wants you to focus on all of the cars, and the 4 men on the top of the building.

CCD vs. CMOS - Pita

The image on the left is taken with a camera with a CMOS sensor. And the image on the right was taken with a CCD sensor.  The image taken with the CCD sensor is said to have more noise.

My Picture - Pita

This was a picture that I took this weekend while traveling to Capri. It captures the depth of field because the pottery that is in the foreground is the focused in on, while the houses on the rest of the island are blurred. 

In the class by myself (LEE)

I took this photo in the first class by the professor's camera. Thanks to his nice camera, I got this photo luckily. The strong lines of 'radiator' coming from right upper side go to left downward side and gather. And these lines make right upper side seem very close and the other side very far.

In Campidolio by myself (LEE)

I took this picture in Campidolio. I turned the angle about 45 degree so make the stairs look like slide. What I wanted to show is that an abandoned flower seem even sliding down to left side and this make the abandoned feeling stronger


With West Germany as a background, this pictures captures the effects of industrial production on the environment. By sharpening the pollution coming from the smoke stakes, the photographer pinpoints the pollution as the focus of the picture. Also, the shadows illuminated by a brief opening of the clouds is captures through the cloudy white balance set in black and white.

Photographer Sanyakhomenko (LEE)

I found this photographer in the internet while I was trying to find some pictures to upload here. And when I first saw this photo, I became a fan of this photographer. I really like his/her photos(I don't know of him/her yet). In this photo, some pictures are mixed with snow that surround a girl. So I think the pictures are snow and snow is the pictures.  The girl is surrounded by snow, no, thousands of pictures which are reminding her beautiful memories!!

Technical-CCD vs. CMOS-sarahlynn

Side by side comparison between a 22, 31, and 39 megapixel CCD sensor equipped Hasselblad (left) and a 35mm full frame DSLR with a 24megapixel CMOS packing D3X.  Although similar, to compare the two sensors is like comparing apples to oranges.  With tradeoffs for both sensors, the strengths of the CCD includes the high image quality while the CMOS offers more intergration and performs better at a higher ISO.

martedì 20 settembre 2011

Photoshop Color Boost Feature- Alexandra

This picture was taken in the open-air market of Campo De' Fiori. The lighting was a bit dull and and did not seem to capture the exact brightness of the fruit.

By holding down the "Control" & "M key, the curve graph will appear. I was able to boost the image of this picture,  by adjusting the line of the graph. This "s-curve" feature altered the contrast of the image, allowing for a more vivid picture to be created.

Technical- Alexandra

This is a photograph of New York’s Guggenheim Museum. The picture was taken by Robert Baron with an ultra wide-angle lens, colloquially known as a “fish-eye.”

lunedì 19 settembre 2011

Moises Saman

Moises Saman was born in Lima, Peru, from a mixed Spanish and Peruvian family. Since the year 2001 Saman focused his photography on the wars in Irag and Afghanistan. He workled as a press photographer for 6 years and in the year 2007 he stopped working for the press and became a freelance photographer. He also has a wide variety of photos relating to wars and other hardships in countries around the world.

The photo I chose is a camp in Palestine. It was taken in 2009. I am Lebanese and part Palestinian and i have seen many pictures and heard so much about the situation in Palestine for many years now and thats why this picture really caught my attention. Saman is a very talented photographer and he really knows how to capture the feeling and sadness that he sees in the places where he takes his pictures. He focus a lot on wars because that is where his inspiration to become a photographer came from. This picture is really strong because the focus isn't on the boys, it is on the tents and the area they are living in, yet you can still see the emotion in the boys faces. The color tone of the image is very grey and dark and this emphasizes on the sadness you can see in the boys.  


venerdì 16 settembre 2011

Historical - Diana Arbus (Daantje)

This photograph was taken by Diana Arbus, quite a controversial photographer in the 50ties. She had a knack for irking her audiences with uncommon photographers, which were thought to be undecent or simply foreign or etching to the more dark corners of human psycholoy. It has been noted that she might have suffered from a psychological disorder herself. Anyhow, it shows that photography can have the strength to break taboo's and/or give an entirely different perspective upon society.

Artistic - Nun in the St.Peter, by myself (Daantje)

This shot was take in the St. Peter.

Technical - Tutorial for Black and White photography - (Daantje)

Click on the Image it explains it all :) 

mercoledì 14 settembre 2011

Clone Stamp-sarahlynn

The progression of pictures goes from the original to the clone of the "27" etched on the mid to upper left hand side to the clone of the handles on the upper left. The clone stamp can be found by command S and is utilized by pointing to an area to be cloned by pressing Alt and tracing the area in which you would like the clone to be stamped.

Photoshop Tutorial - Pita

Before: notice that there is something written in the upper left hand corner it says something along the lines of "27"

After: by pressing the button "J" the band aid function will appear.  You can change the size of the band aid and then simply slide over the part of the picture that you would like to correct.  Notice that the 27 figure is no longer in the upper left corner.

Shutter Speed (RS)

Shutter speed describes the length of time that the camera's shutter is open. Shutter speed must be adjusted according to both light and the movement of the subject being captured. The shutter speed, combined with the aperature of the lens, create the exposure of a given image.

Cristina Garcia Rodero (RS)

Cristina Garcia Rodero is a Spanish born photographer who originally began her art career as a painter, before switching her medium of choice to photography. Garcia Rodero became a member of Magnum in 2009 after working for the photography agency Vu for over fifteen years. Garcia Rodero's subjects of choice are generally religious and traditional practices, focused primarily in Spain and throughout the Mediterranean. This photo depicts the blending of Catholic and Voodoo religious practices on the island of Haiti. Here women meet Miracle Calvary to ask for divine intercession. With respect to composition, Garcia Rodero frames the crowd through the use of the intersecting lines that are composed by the women's arms.

Technical (Photoshop Tutorial), Clone Tool - Joe

To access the clone tool in Photoshop, press the "S" key. The clone tool is used to copy one part of your photograph and paste it immediately onto the part you select. To choose which zone to copy, held down "alt" and then click the part you want to copy. Then click and drag the part of the photo where you want to past what you have copied. The area that you copied will follow your mouse as you drag around the area you want to paste in. This tool is great if you want to erase certain parts of your photograph or if you have a mark on your censor or lens that appears in your photograph (use this tool to erase the spot).

Colosseo Cages (Alexa)

I took this at the Colosseum at night. Snuck my camera through the gates and snapped this. The picture took about an entire minute to process because it was so dark, but It ended up beautifully. I would not want to be caged up in these rooms whatsoever. Manual setting, ISO800

Crossing the Tiber (Alexa)

Black and white setting on my Sony Nex3. I took this at around 7:00 with just enough light to have a bright sky against a dark river. Manual setting ISO800, Black and white


I took this photo at the Colosseum at about 10:00 at night.
Sight seeing at night in Rome beats sight seeing in the day, any day. Manual setting at ISO800.

Personal Photo - Joe

This is a photo I took last weekend in Naples, Italy. I took it with the intention to use the sunlight in the background and make it flood behind the motorcycle riders, creating a long shadow. The photo has many leading lines and follows the rule of thirds.

Personal Photo-sarahlynn

F 3.5 ISO 200 1/2000
The picture of pink flowers on a cliff in Sperlonga achieves focus by a high shutter speed and a lower F, which creates a shorter depth of field. The brightness of the flowers is contrasted by the blurry background of the stone wall. The line of the tree is also important to distinguish the focus and the rest of the photo.

Artistic - Joe

This photo was taken by Cornell Capa. He has done a beautiful job in capturing lines and depth of feils within the photo. It is well exposed. Something I like about it is that the main line leads the viewer to the light flooding through in the top-middle part of the photograph.


Samsung WB500(HZ10w) l 1/350s l F12.9 l ISO 200 l 22.5mm

This backlight photo focuses on a hiker during sunset. By covering up the sun, the lines of the hiker (particularly the triangle formed by his legs) are clearly defined. The photo helps to portray the shadows by having a low ISO with a small diaphram and a fast shutter speed.